Japan Can’t Wait!
In over 10 years of ministry, I have given my life to serve those that God has sent to me. It’s been my privilege to work and mainly serve at Alive Family Church for almost 7 years. I have grown so much during that time and have been extremely blessed to be on staff as the Generations Director for a few of those 7 years. I am embarking on a new journey! One that will take me to the other side of the world.
I have obeyed the Lord and served faithfully in my local church, gone on many short-term mission trips, including a six-month trip to Japan in 2023, and I am now taking the next step to becoming a full-time missionary to the nation of Japan.
What Makes Someone Go?
Have you ever wondered what makes someone sell all their things, say goodbye to family and friends, embrace the awkwardness of asking for donations and then actually moving away?
When thinking about this, I was brought back to a beach in South Africa when I was only 12 years old. I was on my first-short term mission trip. And to be honest, I signed up for that trip because I was desperate for friends; possibly having to share the God I had heard about didn’t really solidify itself in my mind (even after the training days we had for preparation). I knew all the stories but had yet to receive a true encounter with the living God and still lived a very lonely, broken and hurt life.
On the beach that day, my leader and I walked up to two older teenage boys. My leader introduced me , said “Nicole will tell you about Jesus” and walked away.
You read that right, WALKED AWAY, leaving me to figure out something to say.
I can recall the moment, but I can not recall what I said. But the words that I shared somehow impacted their hearts, and before I knew it, we were all praying together.
What makes someone go is the eternal security that comes with salvation in Christ and the desire to share that security with others.
Would you give financially to send me to Japan?
An opportunity unlike any other:
God has put a desire in my hearts to join PAZ International which is a church planting organization. They have planted over 400 churches with a goal of planting 100,000! There is a huge need to help the work in Japan, so I will be jumping in with the vision of making disciples, raising up leaders, and multiplying the church.
Japan has 127 million people and less than 1% of them identify as Christian. Suicide rates are extremely high (about 20,000 a year) as depression and hopelessness plague this first world country. It is one of the largest unreached people groups in the world, but completely open to missionaries! My prayer is to be faithful and fruitful in the ministry and to share the eternal security that they can receive through Jesus.
Would you help me get to Japan?
I know that moving to another country with a different language, culture, and way of living is not easy. Would you please join me by supporting me through your prayers and through your financial giving? Your prayers will be a difference-maker for me in this new season of life and your financial support will help me be sustainable as a long-term missionary.
My goal is to raise $4,000 in monthly support in order to sustain a long-term ministry in Japan.
Individual monthly donations.
This is an individual breakdown of what we would need to achieve our financial goal. Would you take one of these slots?
2 people at $500.00
4 people at $250.00
10 people at $100.00
20 people at $50
Your gift will be handled with complete integrity through the 501C3 organization of PAZ International. Paz International is a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
An eternal investment
About that day on the beach I mentioned at the beginning of this letter: the teenage boys – the ones patient enough to hear out a 12-year-old girl, were the first people I ever shared Christ with. I have never seen them again, but they accepted Christ into their lives that day - their lives were forever changed and so was mine. That day marked my first true encounter with Jesus. It was the turning point in my life. That was the moment when God’s healing and restoration began to fill my life from the inside out.
I can’t promise this will happen every time I walk onto a beach. But I can guarantee that by supporting me, you are partnering with someone that has planned, prepared, and prayed for the opportunity to reach more people in the nation of Japan … with eternal results.
Would you help me reach one of the most influential nations in the world?
Please respond today … The nation of Japan can not wait.