Dueling Worlds

Wanna know what’s been spinning in my mind since being in the States?

Two wonderfully unique and dueling worlds.




My world/life in Michigan and my world/life in Japan.

I find myself constantly seeing the difference between my two new worlds (I do not want to use the word compare because that word often implies that one inevitably becomes better or greater than the other, which is simply not true here).

I love both my worlds wholly, uniquely and differently.

I LOVE Japan. I love my church, my friends, my lifestyle, my community that is there.

But I also love my church, my friends, MY FAMILY, my community that is here.

I have two feet, one foot in Japan and one foot in Michigan.

I can’t wait to be back eating food that tastes so good and is healthier for my body but I can wait and keep enjoying homemade foods that I love and other dishes that I crave that I can’t get in Japan.

I can’t wait to be back using public transportation, but I can keep embracing my carpool karaoke sessions that I get every time I drive someplace.

I can’t wait to see my friends back in Japan, but I can wait to say goodbye to my friends and family who are here and who I won’t get to see on a regular basis anymore.

I can’t wait to be serving and do more ministry with Paz church but I can keep pouring into Alive Family church while I am here, the church I’ve been planted at for the past 6 years, the church I love so dearly and the first place I ever was on staff with in the ministry.

I can’t wait to be jumping into language school in order to learn Japanese and speak to friends and even strangers in their own language, but I can soak in a little longer of being able to understand what anyone is saying around me with ease.

I hold so dearly both my worlds, the life I have know for 30 years in Michigan and the new life I started to building and will continue to build in Japan.

Both my worlds are valid and amazing but I am not called to both…

I know without a doubt that the Lord has called me to Japan and while I plan for my return to Japan (with no return ticket back) “counting the cost” seems much heavier than ever before.


Relocating to Japan


Paz Missionary