3 Things I’ve Learned From 3 Weeks Without Social Media.

In our fast-paced digital age, social media has become an integral part of daily life for many of us, including myself. Whether I'm sharing relatable videos with friends, posting content about missions, or mindlessly scrolling late into the night, social media often serves as a companion in my life. However, stepping away from it, even for a short while, offered profound insights. Here are the three things I learned during my three-week fast from social media.

1. Recognizing my Time Spent on Social Media

The first and most striking realization was the sheer amount of time I devoted to social media. Each time I unlocked my phone, my fingers instinctively gravitated towards those familiar icons, almost as if on autopilot. This habitual behavior made me question how much of my day was unconsciously consumed by scrolling and clicking.

On average, people spend around 2 hours and 20 minutes per day on social media.

That insane!!!

However, when I take a moment to reflect, I can easily see how time adds up online. Just a few minutes here and there—scrolling to unwind after work and then again right before sleep—gradually accumulates each time I pick up my phone and mindlessly click.

Time slowly adds up!

By stepping back, I began to see how much of my precious time was slipping away, time that could be spent on more meaningful activities.

2. Prioritizing My Time

In the absence of social media, I found more time to focus on other matters in my life.

This fast was perfectly timed with the beginning of the year, which is the ideal time for setting goals and making resolutions. I was able to pause, pray and plan for the year ahead, including finishing my Bingo card for 2025 without the constant buzz of notifications and the endless distractions at my fingertips.

I also accomplished tasks that had lingered on my to-do list for far too long, set new personal goals, and even started and finished four books.

(I also binge watched a new tv series… so not everything was “productive”).

Above all, I dedicated more time to the Lord. I took moments to sit in His presence, read His Word, and seek fresh insights from Him. If you're anything like me, you likely have questions to bring before the Lord. Fasting provided me time and space to seek clarity and quieted other distractions, enabling me to hear His voice with greater certainty.

I encourage you to also find time to pause and reflect. Seek the Lord with an open heart. Whether it’s through prayer, Scripture, or just being in His presence, those moments provide comfort and guidance that surpass any "new" insights you might discover in an online space.

3. Understanding That the World Keeps Turning

Perhaps the most liberating lesson was realizing that the world continues to spin, with or without my constant online presence. Whether in the absence of the latest TikTok trends (I was totally out of the loop with the TikTok ban and subsequent unban.. like is TikTok still a thing or not??) or urgent news updates, life continued.

I have to admit though, there were certain experiences I missed out on. The FOMO (fear of missing out) was not just a concept; it felt very real.

I missed several birth and engagement announcements, had many DMs from friends that went unread and I was unaware of important news and significant updates. In fact, I only found out about the fires in California when my home church announced their support efforts-- can someone say out of the loop??

Learning about events secondhand or after the fact was frustrating. However, I was reminded that I am not capable of knowing everything, all the time, at once. And that's okay.

This realization was both humbling and liberating. It reminded me that while social media keeps me informed, it can also create an illusion of omnipresence that’s impossible to maintain. Life is happening in real-time around us, and sometimes it’s more valuable to be fully present in our own experiences rather than constantly plugged into the digital world. By accepting that I can't be everywhere or know everything, I found a sense of peace in focusing on the here and now, cherishing the moments that unfold right in front of me.

You might be asking yourself… will I do this again?

I sincerely hope to!

Although taking a break was challenging, I experienced the positive benefits of the fast. I aspire to be brave enough to try another 21-day social media fast—perhaps next year. Regardless of whether I commit to another 21 days away from social media, I definitely want to carve out time to disconnect, maybe for a weekend or a day or two. It was a refreshing experience that I want to integrate into my life more regularly.

I'm excited to be back and reconnecting with everyone. I really felt the need to unplug for a while, though. How about you?


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